I miss you greatly Evan, and think about you often...we had our challenges and fights growing up, but so do other siblings. I especially miss our funny observations about people (i.e. "Where's the gumbo?") and silly quotes/expressions we would come up with and use as comedic material year over year.
Having come to grips with you being gone, I find myself in a random place or time, not thinking about the past, and then you pop into my head. I then picture something funny you said or did, or something we did together, and will smile the biggest smile.....sometimes I will even break into laughter and others will look over at me puzzled. I love these moments since I feel close to you, reminiscing fun moments we shared, no matter how brief or intermittent they may be.
Still can't believe that you are gone Evan....I will always miss my little brother, no matter how much of a pain in the ass you could be...lord knows that I was a pain in the ass to you too.
Love you Evan and hope that you are resting in peace...